Serving Those Who Served Us…

Amidst the many calls in 2020, we had the honor of serving one of our local veterans.  In late June,  we heard that “Joe” a 92-year old veteran was        struggling.  His VA social worker called sharing that he lived in a small trailer plagued with repair needs and that there are very few family and friends who are local.  He had an improperly installed showerhead that was “spewing water everywhere.”  And, his toilet handle no longer worked.

Indiantown Mennonite’s faithful team of “handymen” came and invested two visits, repairing “Joe’s” home. He was very thankful. Beyond the loving care that we    extended, we were really thankful for our  Indianatown team as they served during Covid-19.

We received this call from his social worker:

“Sounds like the plumber came out already too! So I just wanted to thank you so much for spearheading all this help for “Joe”.  It has meant the world to him and also the care team that’s helping him. Want you to know that all the help and whatever funds are going to this are to a good cause. Just wanted to call and thank you! If you have other questions or concerns re: “Joe” feel free to contact me because I will continue to be his social worker.”

When churches partner together… when Christ-followers step up to the plate, lives change and communities are transformed.  



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